Laboratory for micro-grids and smart-grids
- Details
- Written by Milutin Petronijevic
- Hits: 597
Laboratory for microgrids and smartgrids (MiSGrid Lab) is newly established laboratory at the Power Department, Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Niš, primarily oriented towards research related to the application of innovative control methods for power electronic converters. Rapid control prototyping systems application, together with the state-of-the-art measuring equipment, PV panels emulators and energy storage, enables complex experimental research in this field. The Laboratory intensively cooperates with the University of Genoa (Italy), and several industry partners (Schneider Electric DMS, ABB Serbia) on the above-mentioned technologies application.
Team members:
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Prijava na Web site:
- Elektroenergetska postrojenja
- Mašine naizmenične struje
- OEP8O02 Analiza Elektroenergetskih mreza
- 2OEP7O03 Relejna zastita (Zastita u elektroenergetici)
- OEP5A01 Elektroenergetske komponente
- Prenos električne energije
- Rezultati ispita iz predmeta ELEKTROMAGNETIKA (19.08.2024)
- OEP6A01 Elektroenergetska kablovska tehnika
- Elektromotorni pogoni